Storage Units Orillia, Ontario

Self Storage in Orillia Units and Decluttering Tips for The Move

RJ Storage has a variety of different self storage in Orillia units for you to choose from. The 10 by 20 option is the right choice for families who want to store everything in their home. This unit will handle all the contents of a four-bedroom property.

These are perfect if you’re relocating or undergoing a renovation and need to store the contents for a period of time in between. Before you rent one of these, it is a good idea to declutter your present dwelling. Here’s a few tips to make that process easier.

  • Having a plan before you start is important. So, writing down or drawing a map of all the different rooms in your house that have clutter in them is the first step. It’s also a good idea to give each of these spaces a grade so you can prioritize the cleanup. If you are like a lot of people your basement is the messiest room in the house so on a scale of 1 to 3 it might be a three.
  • You will need a system to go with your plan. Regardless of the self storage in Orillia unit you choose through us, you will get drive-up access and 24/7 video surveillance. As far as the system for decluttering goes, many people use what is called a three-box method. The three boxes are marked “keep,” “get rid of,” and “put in storage.”

Here’s a few tips that you can use for specific rooms.


You’ll find some shirts and other articles that need to be repaired. Those should go to the dry cleaner or tailor right away. Once you’ve decided to get rid of some of the clothes in any of these spaces, you can take them to a consignment store or donation center.

The Bathroom

Start by checking out your medicine cabinet. You can throw out skincare products and makeup as well as any outdated medications.

In the end, you have a few different options when you’re disposing of items. If your neighborhood offers curbside pickup the recyclable glasses and plastics can go into a bin. You can also have a garage sale and donate things you won’t be needing in your new location but don’t want to consign to self storage in Orillia.

Not everything will be in good shape and you won’t have the option to donate or sell it all. Renting a dumpster is an option to get rid of large household items that you’re tossing away.

RJ Storage as the self storage in Orillia solution that’s right for you. Get in touch today.